The Indian Railways, spanning over 67,000 kilometers and carrying around 23 million passengers daily, is a monumental network. However, challenges persist. A deep dive into the primary issues and their resolution will give a comprehensive understanding.

Report on Indian Railways: Issues and Strategies for Improvement

The Indian Railways, spanning over 67,000 kilometers and carrying around 23 million passengers daily, is a monumental network. However, challenges persist. A deep dive into the primary issues and their resolution will give a comprehensive understanding. Lack of Punctuality Overloaded Network: – Problem: Many mainline routes are saturated, leading to trains waiting for clearance, which…

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The Pedestrian's Handbook: Creating Safety Awareness for Road Users

The Pedestrian’s Handbook: Creating Safety Awareness for Road Users

The Pedestrian’s Handbook: Creating Safety Awareness for Road Users Walking – it’s the most basic form of transportation. As pedestrians, we navigate the world one step at a time, absorbing the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of our surroundings. It’s a simple pleasure, a fundamental right, and in many ways, the most environmentally-friendly way to travel….

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